Monday, June 29, 2009
What Do You Do?
Then I thought, I could make this work.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Cherishing Every Minute
Aimee and I are always reminding each other how perfect it was that the twins were born at the beginning of the summer. We are both able to be home with them. This may mean one of us gets to nap a little longer, or one can go to the grocery store. It allows us to update this blog, and video the kids. This morning Aimee worked out the yard while I fed the babies. Yesterday, I bathed the dog while she fed the babies. We get to have shared memories of their first couple of months of life. Lucky, lucky.
Because the twins are so advanced, they have been able to take on adult responsibilities such as Keillor's acting and space travel, and Emaline's modeling and boxing. We have been criticized for letting them grow up too quickly, but we feel that we need to grab these opportunities as they come. I know the twins feel the same.
The Gemini that Emaline is, she has dropped boxing and has gone back to modeling, filming this ad for the baby perfume (Eu du petite toilette) Baby Face. Please enjoy.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Keillor's in Space, Emaline's in the Ring
On the Emaline front, she has given up baby modeling for a more full-contact career in tot boxing. She was inspired by her mommy’s skills at Wii boxing. A member of the BBLA, Baby Boxing League of America, she is set to fight the World Diaperweight Champion, Lila “The Queen” King. Aimee almost put the kibosh on the whole boxing thing after Emaline came home with a black eye (The black eye is courtesy of Photoshop--Aimee made me put that), a diamond earring, and a tattoo, but she just looks so darn cute.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sleep--Lovely Sleep
The strict schedule out, we would just follow the lead of the baby who woke up first. This might have worked for a day or so. They were best during the day. They would eat at the same time and sleep at the same time.
Our little vampire babies came alive at night. Once, when I picked Emaline up to change her, she tried to attach to my neck. I had to check for pointy gums.
Our headstrong tots were in control, and they didn't want us to sleep at night.
That is until yesterday. We fed them at 11:30 p.m., put them down at midnight, and they slept soundly without a peep until 3:30 when they woke up at the same time. We fed them, put them back to bed at 4 a.m., and they woke up at 7:30 a.m. Was the curse of the screamy preemies broken? Will we get sleep tonight? Only time will tell.
Photos galore at Picasa.
Ever since we moved to Wilmore, the water maple in the front yard has towered precariously over the house, dropping limbs during every storm.
Because most of the tree hangs over the nursery, we paid big bucks to have it removed. We no longer have to worry about the tree crashing down on our babies.
After taking down half of the tree, the tree guy said, "I'm surprised this tree hasn't come down on your house. It's hollow."
Of course, now there is no shade at all on that side of the house. I'd rather have bright sun in the morning than a crushed house.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Feeding the Tot
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Child Exploitation
And I thought Craigslist was just for robbing hookers.Keillor ended up scoring a great j.o.b. at BottleBrushers, an establishment that cleans and sanitizes bottles and accessories. In the photo, you can see Keillor is embarrassed, but hard working. Donning his infant hair net and Cool Cat dish washing bib, he toiled for eight hours straight.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Week Four Begins
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the twins' fourth week with us, and they aren't even due until July 6th. We tried sticking them back in, but since they came out through the emergency exit, a four-inch slit in Aimee's belly, we couldn't use the main entrance. Aimee just reminded me that this blog might be viewed by our parents, co-workers, and friends, so I can't use dirty words.
This is the perfect forum for all of the advice that parents like to give future parents but that future parents either don't want to or don't need to hear. We can also class-up the internet with photos of our tots, who are looking less like shaved monkeys and more like humans.
For our first post, I will share some highlights from our baby journal:
6/2/09, 12:01 a.m.--We are at UK Hospital. At about 11:10, Aimee's water broke.
8:13 a.m.--Aimee got to use a bedpan for the first time.
5:29 p.m.--Turns out Dr. Teenager didn't measure right the first time, but nurse Courtney said Aimee is 3 cm dilated now.
7:24 p.m.--We scheduled a c-section
11:50 p.m.--I was going to sleep but every noise sends me straight up in "bed." They were born at 8:13 and 8:16.
6/3/09, 10:40 p.m.--...Then there's La Femme Nikita, who is trying to steal Keillor from us. I can't get him to eat 15 ml, but La Femme Nikita can get him to eat 20. I think she's secretly breastfeeding him.
6/5/09, 6:40 a.m.--Phew. We got some sleep last night. Personality Plus brought the babies to the nursery at about 10:45 and didn't bring them back until right before 6.
11:00 a.m.--Keillor's Billy Reuben level is up. They have him under a blue light to prevent jaundice. Aimee calls it Malibu.
12:45 p.m.--I have given them nicknames: Emaline is Button, and Keillor is Bug, 'cause she's cute as a button and he's cute as a bug. Don't judge. I'm still a man.
6/7/09, 10:02 a.m.--We got released from the hospital yesterday afternoon. When we got home, we had cat puke, animal fur, bills. We then had to figure out how to live without nurses, get sleep, and try to live normal lives.
6/8/09--First Trip to the Doctor--We went to see Dr. Wilson today. She gave the twins a once-over, declared them fit for service, and sent us on our way.
6/10, 3:43 a.m.--So sleepy. Keillor peed through yet another diaper (Huggies! You Goonies!), sleep sack, and swaddling blanket. Then during his feeding, he pooped the runniest yellow mess ever, only to follow that up with a mid-changing poop that was even runnier.
6/12, 10:45 a.m.--We have regained birth weight.
10:29 p.m.--There is a great deal of anticipation and excitement that comes with pregnancy. This is still present during parenthood, more so than during pregnancy, but your mind just has to adjust to the whole thing...My love for Keillor and Emaline is already so great despite their being only 11 days old.
6/13/09, 7:56 p.m.--They both lost their umbilical cords today.
6/16/09, 9:15 a.m.--Dr. Straub said of Keillor's penis, "Keep Vaseline on the end of his bird until he's in college or out of diapers."
6/17/09, 6:48 a.m.--Last night was awful. Horrible. Please don't make us go through that again. OK, so no one was sick or got hurt or anything like that, but no one slept either. They were up every hour, crying, hungry, dirty diapers.
6/18/09, 3:10 a.m.--It happened again. We both woke up believing that we were holding babies. Aimee was sitting straight up in bed looking down at an invisible baby.
10:09 a.m.--Aimee said this morning, "I haven't cried in a few days."
1:30 p.m.--In a stupor last night, after hearing our kids make their chirping sounds, we realized why the sounds were so familiar: it is Riverspeak, the native language of the Ohio Valley River People. It is a scary realization when at 1:30 in the morning, you figure out that you may have spawned a river child, one of the most feared feral children of the midwest.
6/21/09, 9 a.m.--We are officially bad parents. One of the first rules of responsible parenting is not to fall asleep with the baby, either holding the baby or with the baby on your chest, or feeding the baby. We've done all three.
11:00 a.m.--I need to remember that I will make mistakes, but if I love my children, they will grow up to be happy, healthy human beings...and then we can blow up this planet and fly home.