Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sleeping, Sweet Sleeping

5:15—That’s what time my perfect little son woke up this morning. Not 3 a.m. Not 2 a.m. FIVE FIFTEEN. He went to bed at 8:30 p.m. That’s over eight hours. Yesterday, Emaline woke up at 4:15. Keillor was still asleep. This morning, Emaline woke up at 5:45. We are working towards our goal of 6:45. Just last week they were waking up in the middle of the night. Two weeks ago, we might have fed them twice in the middle of the night. Before that it was every three hours. Before that every two hours. Right now they are well-fed and swinging in their swings. Then it’s off to daycare with Miss Kay.

Keillor awaits his breakfast

Emaline imagines her life as a nun

Keillor enjoys bath time

Keillor poses for his Glamour Shot

Emaline rocks out in her bouncy seat

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Hate Hospitals

We continue to get bills from the birth of our children. We recently received an itemized bill which breaks down the $12900.39 it cost for our daughter to be born and, as best I can figure, the $4469.54 it cost for our son to be born. To be fair, she is bigger.
Among the descriptions are four charges for the newborn nursery, each $458.00. These are for the two hours or so Emaline spent in the nursery in the middle of the night. $458. $458. Did she at least get a continental breakfast and a gift certificate for the spa?
Keillor spent 24 in the newborn nursery under UV lights to lower his bilirubin level. Know how much they charged for that? Wait for it...$458. No, wait. There are also two charges for $26.19 for "Bilirubin Total." Is that a cereal for kids with jaundice? You only have to eat two bowls of Bilirubin Total to equal the amount of UV in 10 bowls of Bilirubin Raisin Bran.
You know who also sent us bills? The doctors at the hospital. That's right. We got billed by the doctors, too. Everyone has to get his.
We have to take Keillor to the pediatrician today for his congestion. It's then off to sell a kidney--mine, not his.