Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer with Daddy

Just as our baby journal entries have become fewer and farther between, so too have my blog entries. Maybe this is a sign that we are spending so much quality time with the kids making memories, that we don't have time to write them down. Maybe we're just exhausted.
This morning, after Emaline waved goodbye to her mommy and Aimee left for work, Emaline started crying. Then in a move of solidarity, Keillor joined in. Here I am beginning my day alone with my two children, and both of them are crying that their mother is gone. Eventually, I calmed Emaline down with a sippy cup of milk, and Keillor forgot what he was crying about as he dismantled the bookshelf. They might have this great bond with us that connects us all as a family, but how quickly and easily they can be distracted.
I have been home with them since Tuesday, and in that short period of time, we have had some adventures, from fingers getting caught in cabinet doors to the extrication of obstinate bowel movements. We have taken car trips, played in the pool, read books, tried new foods, and played hours of peek-a-boo. We even tried bathing the dog. I would like to have gone on walks with them, but it is hotter than Satan's sauna out there, even in the morning.
Peek-a-boo is a family favorite--"Where's Keillor?"

Taking all of the books off of the shelf makes destroying them easier.

Emaline is more interested in animal crackers than swimming

Keillor wants to drink all of the water

They sure love each other

Emaline loves to swing. At the park with Daddy


  1. Ooooh! Too busy!! Why did you change your classy blog design? Ooooh! I am cross-eyed! My babies look like little animals!

    I am still waiting to hear from Toys Are Us! That tool bench is sure popular!


  2. Nooooo! Go back to the original layout! This is still way too busy! Why mess with perfection???

  3. Joey, are you trying to make me dizzy, and think I am going blind? Isn't there a more subtle background you can find?

  4. THANK YOU! Now I can see my babies without getting cross-eyed or a massive headache!
